firewall security and antivirus in ubuntu

Ques:- How to use an antivirus and fire wall security for my ubuntu installed lappy or pc?

A: Firewall
1. CLI manage : To enable firewall execute $sudo ufw enable This will enable ubuntu firewall and you can manage from command line.
2. GUI manage : $ sudo apt-get install gufw this will install gufw gui and will enable ufw (ubuntu firewall) This will help you to manage firewall security using gui
B: Antivirus

There is clamav avilable for all GNU/Linux and BSD destro :
1. CLI manage :Use $ sudo apt-get install clamav clamav-daemon clamav-freshclam to install clamav for your ubuntu.
2. GUI manage : If you wanna manage your clamav antivirus from gui there is clam tk gui front end avilable for clam av, download its .deb file from here and get it install by the command $ sudo dpkg -i clamtk_4.45-1_all.deb this will install gui to manage clam av.


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