Running web ssh client on port 443 /80 with nginx as reverse proxy
Package used : shellinabox , nginx Repository used : epel-release Linux distro used : Centos 7.6 nginx reverse proxy server ip : shellinabox web ssh server ip : login to web ssh server first install epel-repo # yum install epel-release -y install shellinabox package # yum -y install shellinabox start and enable shellinaboxd service # systemctl enable shellinaboxd && systemctl start shellinaboxd By default shellinaboxd service starts with ssl port 4200 for us to run this in a reverse proxy environment need to make this as insecure hence the encryption will be done by nginx to end user. edit file /etc/sysconfig/shellinabox like bellow- USER=shellinabox GROUP=shellinabox CERTDIR=/var/lib/shellinabox PORT=4200 OPTS="--disable-ssl-menu -s /:LOGIN" OPTS="-t -s /:SSH:" save file exit and restart service # systemctl restart shellinaboxd Now open fire...
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