LDAP: Troubleshooting "I Have No Name!"

LDAP: Troubleshooting "I Have No Name!"

i had an issue with my terminal server setup. We have an openldap server on RHEL 6.x and 5 number of other servers ( used for accessing ssh and telnet from student lab's thin client - for running c c++ programme) other all 5 servers have ldap authentication enabled . Now the issue was whenever i tried to log on to any of the other 5 server as user account (assume user1) it get logged in and home directory created for such new user but it shows no name found for this id and bash prompt get changed as( I have no name!@host:~$ ). i googled a lot but no success finaly i solved the issue . I used to enable cache for authentication. # authconfig --enablecache --update . so i thought i must share this to you all ... (3)


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