commandline mysql backup restore with compression sql.gz

When you do mysql database backup from commandline it is good for a bigger database to use compression . It prevents backup to have bigger size and will reduce bandwidth usage also in case of remote backup.

A strandard  command for backing up mysql database is as bellow


# mysqldump -u <user> -p<password> <databasename>  >  dbbackupfile.sql

Example : in case db name is mydb1, user is dbuser1, password  password123.

# mysqldump -u dbuser1 -ppassword123 mydb1 > mydb1bkp.sql

In above now you can apply comperssion to reduce size of output backup file.

# mysqldump -u dbuser1 -ppassword123 mydb1 | gzip -9 > mydb1bkp.sql.gz

Now while restoring this use bellow

# gunzip -p mydb1bkp.sql.gz | mysql -u dbuser1 -ppassword123 mydb1

Using above command  -p switch with gunzip pipes the output to mysql command for given database.


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