Internet is running very slow in fedora 30, 31 while using lenovo thinkpad laptop

I purchased a Thinkpad for use of fedora as my preferred  workstation OS.
After installation feel few issues in wireless network.e.g.

My macbook reports speedtest 99~110 Mbps  - ( folks i have 100Mbps connection )  Wherein my fedora reports only 24~30 Mbps

While i am transfering any file in my lab systems over wifi macbook speed again fast but fedora remains same 20~ 30 Mbps ( yes in wifi LAN even )

So i found the issue after few search and i thought to lets share  this with you too.

Here is fix.

$ vim /etc/modprobe.d/iwl11n.conf

edit bellow lines as

options iwlwifi 11n_disable=8
options iwlwifi nohwcrypt=8

In above actually  old value was

options iwlwifi 11n_disable=1

save and exit
have a reboot

enjoy !


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